Visual-studio – What could cause “Debugging will be aborted” error in Visual Studio 2008

visual studiovisual-studio-2008

From time to time I get the following error when starting the debugger in Visual Studio 2008 SP1:

The network connection to MYCOMPUTER has been lost. Debugging will be aborted.

I have several projects in the solution configured as startup projects. Some of them get started when the error occurs, some won't.

Any ideas?

– Visual Studio runs on a 64 bit machine (Win7)
– The application uses MSMQ (private queues on localhost)

Best Answer

What's likely happening here is that you are using remote debugging on your application. Some error during startup is causing that error message.

Can you give us a bit more information on the applications.

  • Are you expilictly using remote debuggging?
  • Are their any resources being used on MYCOMPUTER via some remote operation?
  • Are you runnig projects off of a share?

You may be implicitly using remote debugging if you are debugging a 64 bit appliction. Visual Studio runs as a 32 bit process and uses remote debugging under the hood to debug 64 bit applications.