VSO Build — Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found)


Build always fails upon attempt to SYNC, Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found)

Repository Type is GIT,
deployed an agent in local machine,

  • Repository Type is Microsoft GIT, hosted by same VSO
  • Agent can hook up with Visual Studio Team Services in cloud, i.e., Agent shows up in Default Pool
  • Visual Studio can SYNC from local machine where Agent is deployed
  • When new build is queued, agent failed upon attempt to sync

Build Definition:

  • Platform: $(BuildPlatform)
  • Configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
  • Visual Studio Version: 2015
  • MSBuild Architecture: x64
  • Control Options: enabled: true

Best Answer

Please check if "Project Collection Build Service" has "Read" permission to your code repository via following steps:

  1. Open your project from Web Portal.
  2. Click "Code" to open code panel.
  3. Right click on the repository and select "Security" option.
  4. Check the permission of "Project Collection Build Service". enter image description here

Make sure "Read" permission is set to "Allow", otherwise you will get a 404 error as following: enter image description here

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