Vue.js – Change another module state from one module in Vuex


I have two modules in my vuex store.

var store = new Vuex.Store({
    modules: {
        loading: loading 
        posts: posts

In the module loading, I have a property saving which can be set either true or false and also have a mutation function named TOGGLE_SAVING to set this property.

In the module posts, before and after fetching posts, I want to change the property saving. I am doing it by calling commit('TOGGLE_SAVING') from one of the actions in the posts module.

var getPosts = function (context) {

When it tried to commit, I got following error in the console

[vuex] unknown local mutation type: TOGGLE_LOADING, global type: posts/TOGGLE_LOADING 

How can I mutate state in another module using commit?

Best Answer

Try it with following parameters as suggested here;

commit('TOGGLE_LOADING', null, { root: true })

If you have namespaced set to true (in Nuxt that's the default when in modules mode), this becomes:

commit('loading/TOGGLE_LOADING', null, { root: true })