WatiN Compatibility with Windows


I am running tests successfully on Windows XP but not even got a single successful build while running through Windows 2003.

Any one knows whether it is compatible or not as I read on some site that WatiN is fully tested on XP and not on other Windows editions.

Best Answer

I'd ordinarily post this as a comment on Sam's answer, but I'm trying to make a stack trace searchable, so here goes...

WatiN.Core.Exceptions.IENotFoundException : Could not find an IE window matching constraint: Timeout while waiting to attach to newly created instance of IE.. Search expired after '30' seconds.
at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateIEPartiallyInitializedInNewProcess()
at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateNewIEAndGoToUri(Uri uri, IDialogHandler logonDialogHandler, Boolean createInNewProcess)
at WatiN.Core.IE..ctor(String url, Boolean createInNewProcess)
c:\...\WithVendorSite.cs(42,0): at WithVendorSite.VerifyCanLogIn(TargetSite target)

I developed my test on Windows 7 against WatiN but the test was continually getting stuck with a blank browser with about:blank in the address bar when run on Windows Server 2008 with latest WUs, and Enhanced Security Configuration turned off and running the tests elevated (Run as Administrator).

The problem in my case (thanks Sam) was the absence of Microsoft.mshtml.dll in the bin directory (I had figured out Interop.shdocvw.dll was necessary from error messages I'd encountered on the Windows 7 side).

After adding Microsoft.mshtml.dll, things run happily with ESC turned back [but the test process needs to run elevated].

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