Way to use VSTS Variable Groups per environment


I'm moving my configuration from using web.config transforms to being based on VSTS variables. I get process variables, you define a variable, pick an environment, and you're good to go. I also see "Variable Groups", these seem great, have KeyVault integration, and overall seem like a much better option.

But…I don't see a way to bind a Variable Group to a specific environment in my VSTS release process. I can't honestly see how these would be any use to me without this feature.

I've experimented with one workaround, but it didn't work. I tried:

  • Naming my variable group & variables with an environment prefix e.g.
    • Variable Group Name="Production ConnectionStrings"
    • Variable name="Production_LoggingConnectionString"
    • I thought once I linked the "Production_ConnectionStrings" variable, I could reference $(Production_LoggingConnectionString) from within a standard Process variable, but this didn't work.

I think I could come up with some powershell that would do something like the above and set variables, but this seems a bit too custom for me.

Does anyone else have an idea that I can use variable groups per environment, easily, without waiting around for VSTS to build this feature (if ever). Btw, if you want this feature, there is a suggestion here you can upvote: Make it possible to link a variable group to a specific environment in a release definition

Best Answer

This has now been implemented in VSTS variable groups as scopes. Go to your release definition -> Variables -> Variable Groups -> Link variable group, and you get the link window as below, where you can choose the scope to be either release or one or more of your environments!

enter image description here

I did not manage to find any release information on this feature, I just stumbled upon it as I was tweaking my releases.

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