WCF – Contract Name could not be found in the list of contracts


I am relatively new to WCF. However, I need to create a service that exposes data to both Silverlight and AJAX client applications. In an attempt to accomplish this, I have created the following service to serve as a proof of concept:

public interface IJsonService
    [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
               ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
    List<String> JsonFindNames();

public interface IWsService
    List<String> WsFindNames();

[ServiceBehavior(Name="myService", Namespace="urn:MyCompany.MyProject.Services")]
public class myService : IJsonService, IWsService
    public List<String> JsonFindNames() 
        { return FindNames(); }
    public List<String> WsFindNames()
        { return FindNames(name); }
    public List<string> FindNames()
       List<string> names = List<string>(); 
       return results; 

When I try to access this service, I receive the following error:

The contract name 'myService' could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service 'myService'.

What is the cause of this? How do I fix this?

Thank you

Best Answer

Your contract is the Interface not the implementation.

Somewhere in the config you have written myService instead of IJsonService.

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