WCF Exception Handling Strategies

error handlingexception handlingwcf

We are developing a proxy in WCF that will serve as a means of communication for some handhelds running our custom client application. I am curious what error handling strategies people use as I would rather not wrap EVERY proxy call in try/catch.

When I develop ASP .NET I dont catch the majority of exceptions, I leverage Application_Error in Global asax which can then log the exception, send an email, and redirect the user to a custom error landing page. What I am looking for in WCF is similar to this, except that it would allow me to pass a general faultreason to the client from a central location.

Basically I am curious how people centralize their exception handling in WCF apps.


Best Answer

You might find the IErrorHandler interface useful here. We've been using this to do pretty much what you mention - centralised exception logging and providing generalised fault reasons without having to litter the code with numerous try/catches to try and deal with the problem locally.