WCF net.tcp binding 808:* what does this mean


I am trying to connect to a WCF service someone set up and i'm having trouble,
I have no idea what 808:* means in the "Binding Information" for net.tcp site bindings.


this is how the bindings are configured in IIS 7 (navigate to IIS, right click on the application hosting the service, click 'edit bindings'). there are two entries:

type: http, port: 8000, ip address: *, binding information: (empty)

type: net.tcp, port: (empty), ip address: (empty), binding information: 808:*

Best Answer

I understand this is an old post but this might help someone that comes back looking for an answer similar to this:

808 is your port number you listen on * is a wild card for host name which means it will handle any requests coming in on port 808 with any host name.