Wcf – use DataContract and Serializable together


I am working on WCF service. My all class are already serialize using [Serializable] attribute but due to "k__BackingField" Property Naming problem I used DataContract and DataMember attribute.
so Can i use both attribute together like following:

public class User

  public string Name { get; set; }

  public int UserID { get; set; }

is this correct?

I also got similar solution here.
C# automatic property deserialization of JSON

Serializable and DataContract (not versus?)

Best Answer

I found an article on MSDN according to this we can use both attribute DataContract and Serializable together.

With [Serializable], all fields become part of the data contract (unless they are marked with [NonSerialized]). With [DataContract], only members marked with [DataMember] are included. Note that if a type has both [DataContract] and [Serializable] attributes on it, it will use the [DataContract] mapping


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