Wcf – Using Ninject WCF Extension with WCF Web Service


I have a WCF web service in which I want to use my Repositories and Services which I wish to dependency inject into my WCF web service, however the Ninject WCF Extension example pretty much has a ctor which is instantiating an instance of each dependency, which I don't want, I wanted a purer dependency injection.

Has anyone had any success with using Ninject with WCF, Google seems to return little relevant results for the topics I am looking for.

Best Answer

The code behind for TimeService has:

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="WcfTimeService.TimeService" CodeBehind="TimeService.svc.cs" **Factory="Ninject.Extensions.Wcf.NinjectServiceHostFactory"** %>

The bastard injection ctors confuse the matter - Ninject will choose the most specific constructor. The general problem with the sample is that it's covering all the bases (IIS Hosted, EXE hosted, Service Hosted), and WCF doesnt exactly make all this stuff easy to manage either (@Ian Davis: I could easily be wrong, can you provide some more detail please , perhaps in the form of a summary of what the samples illustrate in the README, and perhaps more detail in the why of the various cases where you've used BI?)

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