What advantages does TFS 2010 have over Axosoft OnTime


I am currently creating a business case for rolling out TFS 2010 as our source control and bug/release management tool.

We currently use OnTime for our bug tracking software and subversion for our SCM.

I was wondering what advantages TFS 2010 has over OnTime?

I have done some thinking so far and would love to hear responses:

  • TFS 2010 allows linking changesets->work items->builds
  • TFS 2010 provides greater customisation of workflow than OnTime
  • TFS 2010 is integrated into the Visual Studio IDE – This requires less apps to be open and less window flicking

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

TFS is one of the least intuitive Version Control systems I have ever had the misfortune to have to use. It may have numerous "bullet point" advantages over OnTime (and other comparable systems), in terms of raw feature-lists and capabilities, but the key factor is whether it can fit in with your working processes.

My experience with TFS is that you will be required to adapt to the TFS way of working, because adapting TFS to your way of working will be impossible or too difficult to justify.

We recently reviewed a number of possible alternatives to replace a system comprising SVN and a manual bug-tracking system (Excel spreadsheets). On-Time was evaluated but deemed too expensive and complex.

In the end we opted to continue using SVN, but drastically revised (simplified) our repository structures and chose to combine SVN with the FogBugz issue tracking system. The integration between these two systems was fairly rudimentary "out-of-the-box", but required only a little effort on our part to achieve the much closer level of integration we desired. Certainly far LESS effort than my previous experience of a TFS roll-out involved.

Our SVN/FogBugz system is also now integrated with a FinalBuilder build automation suite.

The result is a system that not only fits our working practices perfectly (since we devised the means by which the systems would integrate to achieve that) but which is also infinitely adaptable as our working practices evolve.