What exactly does “every SSL certificate requires a dedicated IP” mean


I've read a bit about SSL certificates, and in particular I've read that an SSL certificate "requires a dedicated IP address". Now, I'm unsure of the meaning of this; does it mean that the certificate requires a dedicated IP address separate from the IP address used for normal HTTP communication, or just that it can't share the IP address with other SSL certificates?

To clarify, I have a VPS with a dedicated IP address. The VPS is hosting quite a few different sites, including several subdomains of the main site, but only the main site and the subdomains requires SSL. Can I simply purchase an SSL certificate for *.example.com using my current IP address, or do I need to get one that is separate from the other sites on the VPS? Or even worse, do I need to get one that is separate from all HTTP traffic on the server? Keep in mind that none of the other sites needs SSL.

Thanks for any clarification on the topic.

Edit: Some sources for my worries:


Is it necessary to have dedicated IP Address to install SSL certificate?

Best Answer

  1. There's no such thing as "SSL certificate". The term is misleading. X.509 certificates can be issued for different purposes (as defined by their Key Usage and Extended Key Usage "properties"), in particular for securing SSL/TLS sessions.

  2. Certificates don't require anything in regards to sockets, addresses and ports as certificates are pure data.

  3. When securing some connection with TLS, you usually use the certificate to authenticate the server (and sometimes the client). There's one server per IP/Port, so usually there's no problem for the server to choose what certificate to use.

    HTTPS is the exception — several different domain names can refer to one IP and the client (usually a browser) connects to the same server for different domain names. The domain name is passed to the server in the request, which goes after TLS handshake.

    Here's where the problem arises - the web server doesn't know which certificate to present. To address this a new extension has been added to TLS, named SNI (Server Name Indication). However, not all clients support it. So in general it's a good idea to have a dedicated server per IP/Port per domain. In other words, each domain, to which the client can connect using HTTPS, should have its own IP address (or different port, but that's not usual).