What language was the first to implement exception handling

exceptionexception handling

This question is not a technical but a historical one. I was just thinking today that I've also thought of Java as the "first" language to use exception handling, until I realized that my reason for thinking this way is probably because Java was the first language I encountered that used it, but I had no historical data to back up that conclusion. Nowadays exception handling is commonplace in all modern languages, so I'm just wondering: does anyone know when it first started being widely used? And what language was the first to start using it?

Best Answer

Programming Languages: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition, by Kenneth C. Louden (a notable textbook on programming languages) notes that "Exception handling was pioneered by the language PL/I in the 1960s and significantly advanced in CLU in the 1970s. However, it was only in the 1980s and early 1990s that design questions were largely resolved" (283).