Why is GetPaged() Executing two database calls


I'm a bit new to subsonic (i.e. evaluating and have come across a strange behavior in GetPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize). When I execute the method it does two SQL calls. Any ideas why ?


Lets say I have a "Cultures" table with 200 rows. In my code I do something like …

var sonicCollection = from c in RTE.Culture.GetPaged(1, 25)
                       select c;

Now, I would expect this executes a single query returning the first 25 entries in my cultures table. When I watch SQL profiler I see two queries run by.

First this–

SELECT [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureCode], [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureName]
FROM [dbo].[Cultures]

Then This–

    ORDER BY cultureID ASC) AS Row, 
    [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureCode], [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureName]
 FROM [dbo].[Cultures]
AS PagedResults
WHERE  Row >= 1 AND Row <= 25

I expect the 2nd query to roll by, as it is the one returning the 25 rows I politely requested of subsonic. The first query, however, appears to return 200 rows (at least according to SQL profiler).

Any ideas what's going on?

Best Answer

You just want to use RTE.Culture.GetPaged() - it runs the paged query for you.