Why isn’t the id showing up in django admin list


I have a class Task(models.Model), and i didn't define id field explicitly (since it defines automatically for you). I checked in the database, it exists for the Task. Now i would like to display it in the list via list_display property in admin.ModelAdmin. I have a bunch of things in there, only id is not showing up for any of the rows i have. Everything else works fine. Anyone know anything special i have to do to get id to display?

if i define a function as follows:

def ID(self, obj):
        return obj.id

and i put this function in list_display, it will display id just fine for some reason.

Thanks a lot!


Best Answer

It doesn't show by default. You need to create a custom Admin class for that model and then add 'id' to the list_display value. E.g. in whatever/admin.py:

class TaskAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['id', 'name', etc. etc] 

admin.site.register(Task, TaskAdmin)

See the docs for more details.