Why Session is a disaster in ASP.NET MVC application


Why is it being said We should not use Session variables in ASP.NET MVC applications ? I came across this answer which says so. In that case how will i maintain the values across requests like Logged in User information and some relevant data associated to his account?

This is Darin's answer.

Why are you using HttpContext.Current in an ASP.NET MVC application?
Never use it. That's evil even in classic ASP.NET webforms
applications but in ASP.NET MVC it's a disaster that takes all the fun
out of this nice web framework.

Best Answer

One of the fundamental principles of frameworks like ASP.NET MVC is that they are stateless, just like the Web is. ASP.NET Web Forms is an attempt to mimic a stateful paradigm over a stateless enviroment. It is a lie, in other words.

Using Session variable in an ASP.NET MVC application is a bit like tying a horn to a horse's head, and calling it a Unicorn.