Why use WCSF(Web Client Software Factory) for building asp.net web applications


WCSF is a software factory recommended from microsoft for developing web based applications. I feel that some thought is required on below before commiting to a software foctory:

  • What is it?
  • What are different features of it?
  • How it will improve the productivity?
  • How it will help in delivering on time with quality?
  • Are there any limitations/cons to it?
  • Are there any better alternatives to it?

Please help me in answering above questions.

Best Answer

Web Client Software Factory

alt text http://i3.codeplex.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?ProjectName=websf&DownloadId=3727

The Web Client Software Factory (WCSF) provides a set of guidance for architects and developers building enterprise Web applications. The factory includes samples, reusable code and a guidance package which automates key development tasks from within Visual Studio.

Using the Web Client Software Factory assets, developers can create Composite Web applications composed of independently developed and deployed modules. These modules are dynamically brought together at runtime into a common shell. Additionally the factory includes support for ASP.NET AJAX thus providing users with a richer and more responsive user experience.

From here


There is a similar article here in SO.

Is .NET WCSF the way to go?

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