Windows 10 as host VMware workstation 12 Player no bridge adapter (vmnet0)


I'm running Windows 10 OS and want to replicate what I had in Windows 7, meaning, a number of Virtual Machines running different OSs.

VMWare states that it supports Windows 10 as host for VMWare Workstation 12.

So far, I was unable to use network Bridge, and hence the guest machines cannot connect to the network, nor can be accessed (as servers) from outside my computer (as they used to be when running Windows 7 as the host).

I should add that, when looking at the network adapters, there were none initially till I REPAREed the VM installation. Now I can see VMnet1 and VMnet8 (which as far as I recall are for NAT and Host Only connection types). Also, I'm running Kaspersky AV.

What I tried:

1) Edit the adapters (Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings -> Properties [for LAN connection] -> Install Service -> VMWare Bridge Protocol): Failed due to "Access Denied" (though my account has Admin rights).

2) Tried to search for the Virtual Network Editor in vain,

3) Searched the Web (a number of days already) without success,

4) Check VMWare KB without success.

Did anyone encountered the same issue and found a working solution (without the need to rollback my computer to Windows 7 of course).


Best Answer

Kaspersky is your issue. Had the exact same problem and nothing I tried worked until I removed Kaspersky, removed Vmware, rebooted and reinstalled vmware.

On re-installation, you can see the VMWare bridge protocol has been installed and enabled on the adapters and network bridge works on the VM's.

You can also confirm by going to "network adapter" in the VM settings and clicking on configure adapters. When it's broken, nothing will appear. Once fixed, you should see a list of adapters.

I have reinstalled Kaspersky and bridging continues to work. I suspect Anti-Virus NDIS 6 filter on the adapters may have something to do with it.