Windows – can’t start notepad on remote machine using psexec


I need execute some script in remote computer, I try to start notepad. I use psexec, this command

psexec -e -i 1 \\localhost -u domain\user -p password cmd /c notepad.exe

successfully opens notepad on my local machine, but doesn't do it on remote.
I can't see any error, output is the same as I see after executing on local machine:

PsExec v2.0 - Execute processes remotely
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What could be a reason I can't execute notepad successfully on remote machine?

Best Answer

To start notepad on remote machine using psexec:

psexec \\RemoteserverHOSTNAMEorIPADDRESS -u domain\user -p password -d -i cmd /c notepad.exe

For more information.....PsExec

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