Windows – Compatability between Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2008


I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing these same issues:

My main dev machine is a Dell, running Vista Home Premium and Visual Studio 2008 – both fully patched / up-to-date.

There are some quirks, such as the play/pause media controls on my keyboard not working while running Visual Studio 2008. These kinds of quirks are annoying, but not really problematic.

A bigger issue is this one:

In one of my solutions, I make use of a class called Utility. If I edit the class to add another field, no matter how many times I recompile/clean/manually delete the old .DLL files, the compiler tells me that there is no such field. If, however, I check the solution into SVN and then check it out on my laptop, which runs Windows XP SP3 with a fully patched Visual Studio 2008 – everything works fine. No idea why.

Has anyone else experienced this, or other problems with this kind of configuration? And if so, do you have any suggestions for how to overcome them?

Best Answer

VS2008 runs fine on my Vista. All service packs (both VS & Vista) are installed.

I'm also using a MS keyboard: Laser Desktop 4000.