Windows – Compile and run a file.c using Tiny C Compiler on Windows


Could I get a step by step on how to compile my file.c using Tiny C Compiler and Windows prompt?

Some questions I already have:

  1. Where do I stick all TCC files from the download?
  2. Do I have to compile stdio.h to use the printf function? (I'd like to do a 'Hello World').

This is what my file.c looks like:

// #include <stdio.h> // for printf 

int main(void){
printf("Hello Eric. You've compiled and run the program!  \n");



So far I'm running it and getting the error: include file 'stdio.h' not found.

Best Answer

  1. you put the files wherever you like.

  2. no, you do not need to compile stdio.h in order to use the printf() function.

the tcc-distribution (tcc-0.9.25-win32-bin\tcc) consists of this:

   stdio.h ...
   libtcc1.a ...

if you do not tear that order apart, tcc should work out of the box (i compiled a hello.c seconds ago). if you separated the files or something else does not work:

% tcc.exe -Ipath/to/include/folder/of/tcc input.c -L/path/to/lib/folder/of/

by looking at the source code of tcc i found this:

/* on win32, we suppose the lib and includes are at the location
   of 'tcc.exe' */

char path[1024], *p;
GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof path);
p = tcc_basename(normalize_slashes(strlwr(path)));

so, per default it assumes the libs and the headers to be in the place right next to the tcc.exe.