Windows – Debugging “service failed to start” Windows Installer error


I have a simple msi written in WiX that installs a native NT service. After I have made some changes in the msi it fails at StartServices standard action with the error "service failed to start, verify you have sufficient privileges". If I press Ignore and start the service manually then it start successfully. The problem is definitely not in insufficient privileges. How can I diagnose/debug such issues? The verbose logs of the Windows Installer seem to not contain any helpful information.

Best Answer

The installer won't have any useful information because the error is only surfaced by the installer. Here's how I approach this.

Comment out the ServiceControl element so the installer doesn't try to start the service. Run installer and all it to finish. Manually start the service.

If the service starts, this indicates some type of race condition. One common scenario is the service has a dependency on a file being installed to the GAC or WinSXS. The installer puts these files there using the PublishAssemblies standard action. However since the GAC and WinSXS APIs don't support transational installation, PublishAssemblies waits until the commit phase to perform the work. This is after the installer attempts to start the service. Another common scenario would be if you had some custom action that was installing or configuring something that the service needed and you were doing it to late in the installation.

If the service still won't start, this generally rules out race conditions. You have to profile the service itself. Use tools such as depends, ildasm (if .net) and processexplorer (filemon / regmon ) to try to discover what the missing dependencies are. Update the installer then rinse and repeat.

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