Windows – Detect window close outside of wndproc


I am currently working on a win32 GUI app that does most of its work in the window thread.
This thread can sometimes be blocked since it runs a script engine that can be suspended by an external script debugger (another process). This is not a problem most of the time as it is expected behavior.
However, if the user tries to close the window, the app obviously becomes unresponsive and you get the "This application is not responding…" dialog.
My plan was to periodically call back from the "suspend code" to the app and have it do PeekMessage for WM_CLOSE, and if so, terminate the debugger. Unfortunately, from what I can understand, WM_CLOSE it sent directly to the wndproc.

Is there some other way that I could detect that the user wants to close the window, short of redesigning the app which is not an option?
For example, is there some other message that can be checked for with PeekMessage?

Best Answer

How about this: periodically spin a message loop to dispatch any messages on the message queue (that'll cause mouse/input messages to be handled which will generate the WM_CLOSE). In your app's main window set a flag when WM_CLOSE is received and check that flag after spinning the loop.

Simplest case of spinning a message loop to flush any pending messages would be:

while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))

though your app frame work may already have functions to do this. Hope this helps.

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