Windows – digitally sign JScript (.js) or VBScript (.vbs) files


I know that one can sign a Windows binary executable file using signtool. So all this time I was under assumption that one cannot sign any of the files interpreted by Windows Script Host, such as JScript (.js) or VBScript (.vbs) because those are mere text files.

But today, while opening a .js file that I downloaded off my web site, I was greeted by this warning:

enter image description here

So does this mean that there's a way to sign those .js/.vbs files? If so, then how?

Best Answer

Just to finalize my original question. The answer is yes. To the best of my knowledge, one can sign the following files using Microsoft's SignTool:

  • Obviously Windows executables: .exe, .dll, .com (for old DOS format), .scr (for screensaver), .ocx (for ActiveX control), .cpl (for Control Panel executable.)

  • Windows installer files: .msi, .msp

  • Text-based scripts: .js (for JScript), .vbs (for VBScript), .jse (for encoded JScript), .vbe (for encoded VBScript)

  • PowerShell scripts: .ps1 , .psm1, .ps1xml

  • Windows Script Files: .wsf (with mixed content)

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