Windows – How to get Visual Studio 2008 to support Windows 9x


My question is related to this one: "Does Visual Studio 2008 support windows 98?"

The accepted answer to that question is "NO", and to support Windows 9x you will need to continue using Visual Studio 2005. I prefer to believe anything is possible (for a price), and I'm trying to find a solution that would let us have our cake and eat it too.

We've found two possible solutions:
1) Legacy Extender ( )
2) ExeVersion ( )

Has anyone gone down this road? Any suggestions, caveats, pitfalls, etc??? Currently I'm just doing research, but we will probably try implementing something within the next month.


Yeah, it's C/C++ and Win32 API. We want to be able to upgrade our dev environment without having to fork the source to support legacy clients, unfortunately programs compiled in VS 2008 are binary incompatible with Win9x.

Best Answer

If you can get the .NET framework to run on Windows 98, which i think .NET 1.0 might, you can always run apps on it!