Windows – IIS 7.5 Windows Authentication failed with 401


Since we moved from IIS 7.0 to IIS 7.5 the Windows Authentication doesn't work anymore from remote requests. If I open the website on the webserver everything works fine.


<authentication mode="Windows" />
<identity impersonate="true" />
        <deny users="?" />
        <allow users="*" />

IIS Settings:

Authentication (enabled): ASP.NET Impersonation, Windows Authentication (all others are disabled)
ApplicationPool: Managed Pipeline Mode -> Classic, Identity -> ApplicationPoolIdentity

Failed Request Trace:

ModuleName: WindowsAuthenticationModule
Notification: 2
HttpStatus: 401
HttpReason: Unauthorized 
HttpSubStatus: 1
ErrorCode: 2148074254 
ErrorCode No credentials are available in the security package (0x8009030e) 

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

We had a two-hop problem I think. If I move our SQL/Oracle DB to the server which is running IIS it works.

So here is an article to which describes a solution.

How to configure SQL and IIS for two hop kerberos authentication 2

or SSRS Reportviewer ASP.NET Credentials 401 Exception


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