Windows – MS Surface mobile phone interaction


looking at some of the MS Surface demos they use a HTC mobile phone running windows to interact with the surface (access the phones memory and download the images from it and display using the scatter view).

My question is how were they communicating with the phone?

would it have been using bluetooth or wireless connection?

Is it a case of detecting which type of phone and using its API to communicate?

Has anyone done much of this yet and got any pointers.

Currently searching for the HTC API or maybe its a case of windows mobile communicating wirelessly.

Makes me wonder how hard it will be to integrate with other types of phone not running Windows?

Time to get busy reading.


Best Answer

For the phone demos, Microsoft used 'tags' (which is sort of like a barcode) on the bottom of the phones in order to identify each individual unit and then connect to them via bluetooth/wifi.

For more information on tags: Tags and Object Recognition with Microsoft Surface – Part 1

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