Windows – nsinstall: Bad file number error on Vista


I'm attempting to build Firefox on my Windows Vista Ultimate machine. I keep getting the following error:

nsinstall: Bad file number

I've read that this error is caused because of UAC in Vista. Here are the two articles that lead me to this conclusion. and

Using the standard "Run as Administrator", I've attempted to redo my build but I get the exact same error. I also started a normal command prompt as admin and then went to the batch file in mozilla-build (start-msvc8.bat) and ran it. Still, same error at the same point.

Any other insights on how I might either get around this error or perhaps something else is causing the error?

Note: I also posted something here in the hopes to get topic-specific help but I've not heard a peep… After I posted that I found the info on nsinstall. Anyway, I prefer SO so I thought I'd try here…

Update: I've attempted to completly disable UAC to correct the problem as is suggested by cnemelkasr. I've received the exact same error. This new knowledge is making me think that a file or folder is missing… Does anyone who has experience with NSInstall know what the given error — Bad file number — might mean? I figure it might be referring to a file handle…

Best Answer

If it really is a UAC error, you can try turning off UAC altogether. I've had to do this for several packages. There are numerous places on the web to get the instructions for doing that. is one of them.