Visual-studio – Windows Phone 8 emulator error – Something happened while creating a switch

visual studiowindows-phone-8

I have a similar problem like mentioned in this question:

Unable to create the virtual machine

But, my problem is a bit different in the error description:

enter image description here

The Windows Phone Emulator wasn't able to create the virtual machine: Something happened while creating a switch: Xde couldn't find an IPv4 address for the host machine.

I have SLAT compatible hardware, virtualization is enabled in BIOS, my Windows 8 installation is 64bit and it's not virtualized. Hyper-V is installed (tried reinstalling it, but it didn't help).
EDIT: VirtualBox or any other virtualization software (except for Hyper-V) is not installed

EDIT2: Seem to have been some other networking software which was installed. Having to remove it sucks big time because I need it professionally. I hope they fix it.

EDIT3: I wrote about it in more details with all I could find on my blog.

Best Answer

It's already answered, but something easier worked for me (and without uninstalling VirtualBox):

"Go into Hyper V. Go into the Virtual Switch Manager. Create a virtual switch called 'Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch'. Make it's connection type Internal. Now launch the emulator. It should work."

I had to reboot the machine before running the emulator, but now everything's working fine: VS2012, Xde and VirtualBox.

Credits go to TheGeekNextDoor.

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