Windows Server 2008 – Access Denied on Folder. Even on Administrator


I have a folder that I created located C:\SharedFolder on a Windows 2008 Server R2 release. I been able to access it fine all day long, but now for SOME reason I can't even open the folder locally. I'm logged in as the Administrator of the computer, there are no other usernames created on the computer.

I try to open the folder and I get "You don't currently have permission to access this folder"

Then it says "Click continue to permantely get access to this folder."

I click continue then I get..

You have been denied permission to access the folder."

Then it says "To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab"

Then i click the security tab and I get..

"You do not have permission to access this objects permission folder" under the Security tab of the folder…

Anyone ever seen this before? I have data in this folder I really need.

Best Answer

I get this problem fairly often in Windows 2008 and if the normal route of taking ownership doesn't work, I can often resolve it by closing any open Shared Folder Sessions using the Computer Management plugin. Once any open sessions are closed I can get ownership of the folder.

To close open folder sessions (user's whose sessions are closed will lose access to whatever they had open)

  • Start -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management
  • Computer Managment -> System Tools -> Shared Folders -> Sessions
  • Right-click -> Close Session