Windows Task Scheduler not running VBScript when set to “Run if logged on or not”


I'm trying to run a .vbs file as a scheduled task through Windows Task Scheduler. Under the 'General' tab, when I select "Run only when user is logged on", the script executes as expected.

However, when I select "Run whether user is logged on or not", and enter the appropriate credentials, the task runs at the scheduled time, but the script does not actually run. I've already tried running the script under wscript.exe as well as cscript.exe, but no luck with either.

EDIT: Even if I am logged in when the task begins, the script will still not run under the "logged in or out" setting.

Additional info: The purpose of this scheduled task is to run before I arrive at work. I've already configured my BIOS to startup at a predetermined time (06:00), and set the Task Scheduler to run at 06:27. I've successfully tested the BIOS startup, as well as the script itself (including using the Task Scheduler to run it). Therefore, the only weak link I can find is the option to "Run whether the user is logged on or not".

I'm running Windows 7 Enterprise.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

This is because normally it would run the script using the shell handler, which by default is wscript.exe. When there's no desktop environment (because no-one is logged-in) it would fail and abort script execution (or rather, not run the script in the first place).

To fix this, instead of running the .vbs file directly, change it to run cscript.exe (the command-line script runtime program) with the script's filename passed as the first argument. Also be sure to ensure you don't have any InputBox or MessageBox calls (instead use WScript.Echo to return messages to the user: wscript displays message-boxes, but cscript will write it to the console.