Windows – VS2008 on Windows 7 RTM with x64 compiler broken

64-bitvisual studiowindows 7

I am having trouble getting x64 compilation to work on Windows 7 RTM (64-bit) with Visual Studio 2008 Professional (both with and without SP1). I have not installed the Windows 7 SDK, as Microsoft suggests might be the issue. The problem is that there are no x64/64-bit choices in the Configuration Manager of Visual Studio.

I do not have the "Microsoft Visual C++ Compilers 2008 Standard Edition" suggested in the link above installed on my computer. Any ideas what might fix this?

I have checked that I have the x64 compiler and tools installed with Visual Studio.

Solution found: Uninstall VS completely and reinstall. Issue resolved after SP1 installed (again). Very strange.

Best Answer

Are you using VS 2008 Express Edition?

You can add the x64 targets to the build configuration manually by downloading the Windows SDK (which include all the x64 compilers/linkers/libs/headers/... ) and following the instructions in this link: