Wireshark capture Magic Packet configuration


I have a laptop running Wireshark. I'd like to find out how to configure wireshark to capture Magic Packets.

I have selected the interface, options, Capture filter, host , Ok, Start on the laptop.

Laptop is IP I want to start up a PC at

I have a program that sends out the Magic Packets called WON Magic Packet Sender. I run it and select send. I don't see anything captured in Wireshark. I have another program called VNC control. I select Wake Up. I get a message saying The WakeUp signal is sent. I still don't get anything captured in Wireshark. I remove the capture filter in Wireshark. I start the capture. I get everything on the network. I add a filter:

ip.src == and ip.dst ==

I get nothing captured after running both programs.
I removed the last filter and added a new filter:

ip.addr ==

I get nothing captured after running both programs.

How can I configure Wireshark to capture the magic packets?

Best Answer

Given the definition of the WON frame pattern (and not knowing how it is encapsulated), I would expect a display filter like the following to work:

frame contains ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm

where mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm is the MAC address of the destination PC (the one to which the WON messge is being sent).

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