WordPress – How to fix the https “not secure” message in Chrome


My website is a WordPress based website located here: https://www.saintjohnscamp.org/. I cannot figure out how to fix the https "not secure" message that comes up when you view the site in Google Chrome, which reads: "Your connection to www.saintjohnscamp.org is encrypted using 256-bit encryption. However, this page includes other resources which are not secure…" I have tried disabling all plugins in WordPress and looked at the source code of the page and cannot find any images, iframes, objects, etc. that are pulling from http:// instead of https://. The only instances of http:// in the source code are external links, which don't affect the not secure message (to the best of my knowledge). Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Is there a utility or service out there I can use to troubleshoot this message and fixing my page to be fully https compliant?

Best Answer

I think your problem is that URL:


Piclens only offers this two versions:

Piclens current SSL certificate has expired.