Wpf – Binding a nested ListView in WPF


I have a simple ListView in which I have another ListView. I can't seem to get the inner listview to bound with my actual List<>, it just shows empty.

My code:

public CollectionViewSource CVSmain {get;set;} //Which is actually a List<MyClassViewModel>, my main ListView bounds to this correctly

public class MyClassViewModel{

    public class MySubClass{
          public string Name{return _name;}

    List<MySubClass> MyList = new List<MySubClass>();
    public string MyText{get;set;}


<ListView DataContext="{Binding CVSmain}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" >
                <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding MyText}" Header="My Text"/>
                <GridViewColumn Header="My List">
                            <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}">
                                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="ItemsControl">
                                                    <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name"/>                                                  </GridView>

If instead of my second ListView I just put a Textblock with "{Binding Name}", it works. Not sure how to bind this inner ListView, any ideas?


Best Answer

You have three nested controls: the outer ListView, an ItemsControl in the middle, and then the inner ListView. I think the ItemsControl is unnecessary. Try replacing

 <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}"> 


 <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}"> 
            <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name"/> 

Furthermore, change

List<MySubClass> MyList = new List<MySubClass>(); 


public List<MySubClass> MyList { get; set; }

because you can bind to public properties only, not to private fields.

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