WPF – Cannot convert ‘‘ from type ‘‘ to type ‘System.Uri’


I have a simple user control to display a hyperlink in a textblock:


<TextBlock >
    <Hyperlink NavigateUri="{Binding Url, ElementName=root}" >
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Text, ElementName=root}" />


public static readonly DependencyProperty UrlProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Url", typeof (string), typeof (LinkTextBlock));
public string Url
    get { return (string) GetValue(UrlProperty); }
    set { SetValue(UrlProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Text", typeof (string), typeof (LinkTextBlock));
public string Text
    get { return (string) GetValue(TextProperty); }
    set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }

Then, in a DataTemplate for a ListBox I have:

<Controls:LinkTextBlock Text="{Binding Email}" Url="{Binding Email}" />

When I run the application, it seems to work perfectly. The control shows the hyperlinks correctly and there are no apparent problems. However, when I look at the Output window I get exceptions, one for each ListBox item:

System.Windows.Data Error: 22 : Cannot
convert '' from type '' to
type 'System.Uri' for 'en-US' culture
with default conversions; consider
using Converter property of Binding.
UriTypeConverter cannot convert from
(null). at
value) at
context, CultureInfo culture, Object
value) at
context, CultureInfo culture, Object
value) at
o, Type destinationType,
DependencyObject targetElement,
CultureInfo culture, Boolean

Why is this happening? I know the binding error is a result of the binding to NavigateURI.
Do you have any suggestions for me? What can I do about it? I really appreciate your inputs.


Best Answer

I figured it out. The problem is when performing an implicit conversion from string to Uri, since NavigateUri is of type Uri. I needed to create a converter to convert string to Uri, change my property from String to Uri, and it all worked fine without exceptions.

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