Wpf – Force validation on bound controls in WPF


I have a WPF dialog with a couple of textboxes on it.
Textboxes are bound to my business object and have WPF validation rules attached.

The problem is that user can perfectly click 'OK' button and close the dialog, without actually entering the data into textboxes. Validation rules never fire, since user didn't even attempt entering the information into textboxes.

Is it possible to force validation checks and determine if some validation rules are broken?

I would be able to do it when user tries to close the dialog and prohibit him from doing it if any validation rules are broken.

Thank you.

Best Answer

In 3.5SP1 / 3.0SP2, they also added a new property to the ValidationRule base, namely, ValidatesOnTargetUpdated="True". This will call the validation as soon as the source object is bound, rather than only when the target control is updated. That may not be exactly what you want, but it's not bad to see initially all the stuff you need to fix.

Works something like this:

    <Binding Path="Amount" StringFormat="C">
                ErrorMessage="The pledge amount is required." 
                ValidatesOnTargetUpdated="True"  />
                ErrorMessage="The pledge amount must be numeric." 
                ValidatesOnTargetUpdated="True"  />