Wpf – How to build a generic/re-usable modal dialog for WPF following MVVM


I would like to build a generic/re-usable modal dialog that I can use in our WPF (MVVM) – WCF LOB application.

I have a Views and associated ViewModels that I would like to display using dialogs. Bindings between Views and ViewModels are done using Type-targeted DataTemplates.

Here are some requirements that I have been able to draft:

  • I prefer this to be based on a Window instead of using Adorners and controls that act like a modal dialog.
  • It should get its minimum size from the content.
  • It should center on the owner window.
  • The window must not show the Minimize and Maximize buttons.
  • It should get its title from the content.

What is the best way to do this?

Best Answer

I usually deal with this by injecting this interface into the appropriate ViewModels:

public interface IWindow
    void Close();

    IWindow CreateChild(object viewModel);

    void Show();

    bool? ShowDialog();

This allows the ViewModels to spaw child windows and show them modally on modeless.

A reusable implementation of IWindow is this:

public class WindowAdapter : IWindow
    private readonly Window wpfWindow;

    public WindowAdapter(Window wpfWindow)
        if (wpfWindow == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("window");

        this.wpfWindow = wpfWindow;

    #region IWindow Members

    public virtual void Close()

    public virtual IWindow CreateChild(object viewModel)
        var cw = new ContentWindow();
        cw.Owner = this.wpfWindow;
        cw.DataContext = viewModel;

        return new WindowAdapter(cw);

    public virtual void Show()

    public virtual bool? ShowDialog()
        return this.wpfWindow.ShowDialog();


    protected Window WpfWindow
        get { return this.wpfWindow; }

    private static void ConfigureBehavior(ContentWindow cw)
        cw.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
        cw.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(PresentationCommands.Accept, (sender, e) => cw.DialogResult = true));

You can use this Window as a reusable host window. There's no code-behind:

<Window x:Class="Ploeh.Samples.ProductManagement.WpfClient.ContentWindow"
        Title="{Binding Path=Title}"
        MinWidth="300" >
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pm:ProductEditorViewModel}">
            <self:ProductEditorControl />
    <ContentControl Content="{Binding}" />

You can read more about this (as well as download the full code sample) in my book.