Wpf – Open directory dialog


I want the user to select a directory where a file that I will then generate will be saved. I know that in WPF I should use the OpenFileDialog from Win32, but unfortunately the dialog requires file(s) to be selected – it stays open if I simply click OK without choosing one. I could "hack up" the functionality by letting the user pick a file and then strip the path to figure out which directory it belongs to but that's unintuitive at best. Has anyone seen this done before?

Best Answer

You can use the built-in FolderBrowserDialog class for this. Don't mind that it's in the System.Windows.Forms namespace.

using (var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog())
    System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

If you want the window to be modal over some WPF window, see the question How to use a FolderBrowserDialog from a WPF application.

EDIT: If you want something a bit more fancy than the plain, ugly Windows Forms FolderBrowserDialog, there are some alternatives that allow you to use the Vista dialog instead:

  • Third-party libraries, such as Ookii dialogs (.NET 4.5+)

  • The Windows API Code Pack-Shell:

      using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs;
      var dialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog();
      dialog.IsFolderPicker = true;
      CommonFileDialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

    Note that this dialog is not available on operating systems older than Windows Vista, so be sure to check CommonFileDialog.IsPlatformSupported first.