Wpf – tab control data template


I want a TabControl where each tab item represents a (Employee)ViewModel; the header should be the DisplayName property of that view model, and the content should be a user control (EmployeeDetailsView) that has a data context of the view model.

So pidgeon xaml (is there such a thing??):

<TabControl x:Name="Items">
    <TabItem Header="DisplayName" Content=local:EmployeeDetailsView />

What should my real XAML look like?


EDIT for Vortex

        <TabControl x:Name="Items" >
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding DisplayName}" />

Best Answer

In WPF it is quite simple. But in silverlight I used custom TabControl.


You can find source and example here (MyTabControl.cs), where I've answered a similar question.

And now your code must be something like:

<my:MyTabControl x:Name="myTabs" MyItemsSource="{Binding Items}" MySelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}" >
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding DisplayName}" />
            <local:EmployeeDetailsView />

In code-behind or somewhere:

var items = new List<Employee>(){
                new Employee{DisplayName = "Employee 1"},
                new Employee{DisplayName = "Employee 2"}};

myTabs.DataContext = new SomeCollectionModel
      Items = items,
      SelectedItem = items[0]


WPF has built-in support of DataTemplates in the TabControl, so I have to do a few minor changes in XAML:

<TabControl x:Name="myTabs" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding DisplayName}" />
            <local:EmployeeDetailsView />
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