WPF text Wrap vs WrapWithOverflow


What's the "conceptual" difference between TextWrapping="Wrap" and TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" (e.g. for a TextBox)?
In the MSDN page about the class TextBox there is nothing …
Thank you.

Best Answer

Some examples:

This is the original, unwrapped version:

No wrapping

This is NoWrap.


This is Wrap. The words Remove and Sample have been wrapped at the ve and le, respectively, even though there is no line break opportunity.


This is WrapWithOverflow. The ve and le are not visible (they overflow the available block width) because there is no line break opportunity. The All, in both cases, has been wrapped because the space character is a line break opportunity.



As suggested in the comments, here's some examples of how Wrap treats spaces. When Width is 100, Wrap and WrapWithOverflow are identical. Wrap treats the space between wider and example as a line-break opportunity, so example is put on a new line to preserve the entire, continuous word.

enter image description here