WPF TextBox Binding Validation Rules not Firing on LostFocus When TextBox is Empty


We all know how sucky WPF validation is out of the box. I am trying a very simple thing and for some reason it is always failing. I have a TextBox and my only requirement is to validate that the user inputs something in the TextBox. The TextBox is bound to a Customer object with FirstName and LastName properties.

Here is the XAML code:

            <TextBox Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyle}" Grid.Column="1"  Grid.Row="0" Height="20" Width="100" Margin="10">
                    <Binding Path="FirstName" >
                            <ExceptionValidationRule />


Here is the Customer class FirstName property:

public string FirstName
            get { return _firstName;}
                    throw new ApplicationException("FirstName cannot be null or empty!");
                _firstName = value; 


Even though I am throwing an exception if the FirstName (value) is null or empty it is only handled if I type something in the TextBox and then delete it and then tab off. The reason is that it is dependent on the property changed event. But even if I put that TextBox binding on Focus it does not fire the validation.


One of the ugliest ways to handle this issue is to assign the String.Empty to the TextBoxes on the Window.Loaded event:

 void AddCustomerWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // get all the textboxes and set the property to empty strings! 

            txtFirstName.Text = String.Empty;
            txtLastName.Text = String.Empty; 

Here is the code for binding:

 public AddCustomerWindow()

            this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(AddCustomerWindow_Loaded);

            gvAddCustomer.DataContext = new Customer();  

Best Answer

The solution I use is to wire-up the controls to update their own binding sources whenever they lose focus. This makes the controls validate after the user has tabbed or clicked through them once.

public AddCustomerWindow()
    this.Loaded += AddCustomerWindow_Loaded;
    gvAddCustomer.DataContext = new Customer();  

void AddCustomerWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Manually wire up textboxes of specific interest.
    UpdateSourceOnLostFocus(new TextBox[] {txtFirstName, txtLastName},

    // Or, wire up ALL controls of a given type with the help of Telerik's
    // ChildrenOfType extension, using Linq to filter the list where appropriate.
                                .Where(picker => !picker.IsReadOnly), 

void UpdateSourceOnLostFocus<T>(IEnumerable<T> controls, DependencyProperty prop) where T : Control
        .ForEach(ctrl =>
            var binding = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(ctrl, prop);
            if (binding != null)
                ctrl.LostFocus += (sender, args) => binding.UpdateSource();

If you also want the controls to validate on load - i.e., before the user tabs/clicks through them - then you could write an UpdateSourceNow method similar to the one above, and call it from AddCustomerWindow_Loaded instead.

However, I prefer to wait until each control is visited, because it can be somewhat alarming to users if they immediately see a screen full of red boxes when they want to enter a new Model object instance.

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