WPF webbrowser control vs winforms


I am creating a wpf application where I am using a webbrowser control. anyways sometimes I am required to look for html elements, invoke clicks, and other basic functionality.

In winforms webbrowser control I am able to achieve this by doing:

 webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("someId").SetAttribute("value", "I change the value");

In wpf webbrowser control I managed to achieve the same thing by doing:

  dynamic d = webBrowser1.Document;  
  var el = d.GetElementById("someId").SetAttribute("value", "I change the value");

I also managed to invoke a click in the wpf webbrowser control by using the dynamic type. Sometimes I get exeptions though.

How will I be able to look for html elements, set attributes and invoke clicks in a wpf webbrowser control without having to use dynamic types where I often get exceptions? I will like to replace my winforms webbrowser control in my wpf application by a wpf webbrowser control.

Best Answer

Use the following namespace that way you can get to all element properties and eventhandler properties:

    using mshtml;

    private mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event documentEvents;
    private mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 documentText;

in constructor or xaml set your LoadComplete event:

    webBrowser.LoadCompleted += webBrowser_LoadCompleted;

then in that method create your new webbrowser document object and view the available properties and create new events as follows:

    private void webBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
        documentText = (IHTMLDocument2)webBrowserChat.Document; //this will access the document properties as needed
        documentEvents = (HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)webBrowserChat.Document; // this will access the events properties as needed
        documentEvents.onkeydown += webBrowserChat_MouseDown;
        documentEvents.oncontextmenu += webBrowserChat_ContextMenuOpening;

    private void webBrowser_MouseDown(IHTMLEventObj pEvtObj)
         pEvtObj.returnValue = false; // Stops key down
         pEvtObj.returnValue = true; // Return value as pressed to be true;

    private bool webBrowserChat_ContextMenuOpening(IHTMLEventObj pEvtObj)
        return false; // ContextMenu wont open
        // return true;  ContextMenu will open
        // Here you can create your custom contextmenu or whatever you want
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