Xcode – have multiple Xcode versions installed


Is it possible to have more than one version of Xcode installed at the same time?

If so, please post any tip, tricks, or potential issues to watch out for.


The reason I want to install multiple versions is to try out the new sdk beta, but if the new Xcode is buggy I want to be able to use the older version for my existing projects.

Best Answer

Yes, you can install multiple versions of Xcode. They will install into separate directories. I've found that the best practice is to install the version that came with your Mac first and then install downloaded versions, but it probably doesn't make a big difference. See http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Xcode/Conceptual/XcodeCoexistence/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Details/Details.html this Apple Developer Connection page for lots of details. <- Page does not exist anymore!