Xcode – how to install XCode 3.2.6 in Lion(10.7.3)


i've been pulling my hair for two days in installing XCode 3.2.6 on my machine, Lion 10.7.3, but up to now I have no luck. i've followed the installation instruction here: Installing Xcode 3.2.6 On Lion Redux and here Installing Xcode 3.2.6 in Mac OS X Lion (10.7) but both are not working. Im always getting an installation unknown error, please refer to the attached image. Please help.. Thank you very much.enter image description here

Machine: Macbook
OS: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
With XCode 4.3 installed

Apr  8 17:14:27 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Set authorization level to root for session
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Will use PK session
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Starting installation:
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Configuring volume "Mac OS X"
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Preparing disk for local booted install.
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Free space on "Mac OS X": 108.39 GB (108385030144 bytes).
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Create temporary directory "/var/folders/g8/87n3y6s561x_62y3d9h7y5480000gn/T//Install.326LicomV"
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: IFPKInstallElement (22 packages)
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Using authorization level of root for IFPKInstallElement
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Failed install preflight: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=102 "The package “iPhoneSDK4_3.pkg” is untrusted." UserInfo=0x7c375830 {PKInstallPackageIdentifier=com.apple.pkg.iPhoneSDK4_3, NSLocalizedDescription=The package “iPhoneSDK4_3.pkg” is untrusted., NSUnderlyingError=0x7c3e0d30 "The operation couldn’t be completed. CSSMERR_TP_CERT_EXPIRED", NSURL=../Packages/iPhoneSDK4_3.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Xcode%20and%20iOS%20SDK/Xcode%20and%20iOS%20SDK.mpkg/}
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: IFDInstallController 7AE66E10 state = 7
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'An unknown installation error occurred.

The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.

Best Answer

I solved this error by setting my clock to 01-01-2012.

It's weird, but installation was completed successfully after that.