Xcode – What’s the Xcode “no such file or directory error”


Xcode keeps prompting telling me I don't have a certain image in the project and it errors when I try to build. If I deleted the .png Xcode is complaining about from the project, why does Xcode error out when I try to build?

[Edited by Rhubarb (got too big for the comments)]

I'm getting the same thing with these details. The copy command looks like this

CpResource MyIcons/../13-bicycle.png /Users/Me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-cxsohyxdecdbptgrrtaixbhhixrj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyProject.app/13-bicycle.png

then there's a bunch of setenv and the command is translated to "builtin-copy" but none of that matters, the result is when I compile I get this error:

error: /Users/Me/Development/MyProject/MyIcons/../13-bicycle.png: No such file or directory

Now, I opened the Copy Bundle Resources tab as suggested by Robert Harvey, and my .png is there, with nothing appearing in read. And it is in the file system (Finder) and in the Project Navigator. So I deleted it from the resources using the – button and added it manually using the + button at the bottom left of the list in the Copy Bundle Resources tab. This put it at the root of the project in the Navigator, so I moved it into my group again – but no luck, same error. So I just deleted it altogether (from the Project Navigator, allowing it to be moved to Trash). That worked, but I ran into the same error with the very next icon (it only reports one or two at a time).

Looking at the error message, it appears to think that MyIcons is a folder. It's not, it's just a group. There is no such folder, I can see in the file system.

When I added via drag-drop, I left the "Copy items into … group folder (if needed)" checked and the "Create groups for any added folders" button selected. But note that I only dragged icons (en masse) into an existing group; I did not drag over any folders, nor where any groups or folders created. But somehow, the compiler thinks that these resources are in a folder in the file system that doesn't exist.

I right clicked the icon in the Copy Resources List and tried both Show in Finder and Reveal in Project Navigator: and both worked – the file is there and it knows where to get it – until it builds.

I haven't even found a workaround beyond deleting the icons yet – cleaning doesn't work. I think my group is corrupted.

Best Answer

look up here XCode Build – CopyPNGFile Error and No Such File or Directory . I had same problem and this solution helps me.

If you receive either of these annoying errors when building your xcode app, something has corrupted in your project bundle.

  1. Open your project in Xcode
  2. Click on your project
  3. Click on your project under Targets
  4. Hit the build phases tab
  5. Open “Copy Bundle Resources” near the bottom
  6. Look for any resources listed in red!