Flex: Accessing functions / components accross mxml pages


For simplicity lets say I have two flex mxml pages.


If the form.mxml page had the following code, it should work fine:

<custom:SelectView dSource="{_thedata}" id="form" visible="false">

<mx:LinkButton label="Show" id="lbShow" click="form.visible=true;>
<mx:LinkButton label="Show" id="lbHide" click="form.visible=false;>

But if the code was like:


 <custom:SelectView dSource="{_thedata}" id="form" visible="false">


<mx:LinkButton label="Show" id="lbShow" click="form.visible=true;>
<mx:LinkButton label="Show" id="lbHide" click="form.visible=false;>

how can I make a call from button.mxml to change form.mxml

—- a bit more details —

My page actually looks like this: where query:AdvancedSearchFields is basically including a flex form into the page, and I want it to show/hide the custom view below after the search is complete.

<query:AdvancedSearchFields searchType="projects" searchCategory="advanced" visible="true" id="AdvancedSearch" />

<custom:SelectView dSource="{_searchResults}" id="sv" visible="false">

Best Answer

You could write a custom method that handles the button click events and raises a custom event. Then in form.mxml you can handle that event.

Splitting it up like this is a bit cleaner, as it makes the button.mxml file work on its own. Having Button.mxml have a direct reference to your form causes a tight-coupling between the two, and generally you should avoid tight-coupling.

EDIT: I just had another thought that also avoids tight-coupling and is a bit simpler:


<custom:SelectView dSource="{_thedata}" id="form" visible="{buttons.showForm}">

<!-- include your buttons.mxml component using an ID of "buttons" -->


    [Bindable] public var showForm:Boolean = true;

<mx:LinkButton label="Show" id="lbShow" click="this.showForm=true;">
<mx:LinkButton label="Hide" id="lbHide" click="this.showForm=false;">

This essentially emulates using a custom event by using variable binding. Any time the showForm variable in buttons changes the visible property of the SelectView will be updated via the bindings. This is lighter-weight than creating a custom event (though I think custom events are a bit better of a design for it).