Xml – Read XML file classic ASP


I need to read an XML document with classic ASP.

The XML file looks like:

        <application id="1" link="http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/word-help/what-s-new-in-word-2013-HA102809597.aspx">Word 2013</application>
        <application id="2" link="http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/what-s-new-in-excel-2013-HA102809308.aspx">Excel 2013</application>

I want to retrieve all application tags and store them into a Dictionnary. The key is the application name and the value is the link attribute.

Here is my code (corrected with the very good replies I got):

Set xmlObj = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlObj.async = False

' List of application nodes
Dim xmlApp : Set xmlApp = xmlObj.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/config/applications/application")

' Dictionnary of applications
Dim xmlAppCollection : Set xmlAppCollection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Single application node
Dim app

For Each app In xmlApp
    ' Populate the application dictionnary
    If app.Attributes.GetNamedItem("link") Is Nothing Then
        xmlAppCollection.Add app.Text, ""
        xmlAppCollection.Add app.Text, app.Attributes.GetNamedItem("link")
    End If

Response.write("Count: "&xmlAppCollection.Count)

However, xmlAppCollection.Count returns zero.

What do I miss?


Now I've got the following error:
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'app.Value'.

The problem comes from xmlAppCollection.Add app.Value, app.Attributes.GetNamedItem("link")


I hope this is the last question. I want to loop over the dictionary:

' applications is an array of application names
For Each member In applications
    ' Test that the software exists in the dictionary and the link is not empty
    If xmlAppCollection.Exists(member) = True And xmlAppCollection.Item(member) <> "" Then
        Response.write("<tr><th>Software</th><td><a href='" & xmlAppCollection.Item(member) & "'>" & member & "</a></td></tr>")
    End If

But I've got the error message: Object doesn't support this property or method on the line If xmlAppCollection.Exists(member) = True And xmlAppCollection.Item(member) <> "" Then. It seems to come from the Item property.

Best Answer

Not shure if i'm right, but the selector should start with / if its root, or // if anywhere, also the DocumentElement part not needed.

so try using

Set xmlApp = xmlObj.SelectNodes("//application")


Set xmlApp = xmlObj.SelectNodes("/config/applications/application")

also, add some debog response.write to your for each loop, so during development you can see if it's actually doing anything.

For ref click here.