Google+ – How to Programmatically Add People to Circles


Back when Google+ was just launched, my friend and I started a service that works as a directory of Lithuanians using Google+. The Lithuanian Google+ community is small, yet rather vibrant and interesting. The website currently has around 1,400 people in 7 categories. I'd like to create 7 circles corresponding to those categories in my own Google+ account, and programmatically add all the listed people to one of them (adding them manually is a bit too much work).

Is there a way to do this? I tried playing with Chrome's JavaScript console to trigger mouse clicks on the Add to circles button, but that does not seem to work. Google+ API does not (at least currently) provide such a possibility either. And while unsure, I feel that any Chrome macros or Mac Automator scripts could not be used for clicking on a button within a website (in addition to that, the button is created with JavaScript).

Best Answer

Have you looked at Selenium? It's a browser automation framework.