Adding anchor points in

I love but I am annoyed by how hard it seems to be to create custom shapes or modify existing ones. This does not seem possible to do in a "WYSIWYG" manner with your mouse, but rather you need to do this in SVG/XML.

I have the following figure and I want to draw a trapezoid around A B C E F and one around D G H.


I tried the "card" shape, but there seems no way for me to change where the anchor is for where the cut off starts or ends. I've been looking through the internet and I cannot figure this out – even though this seems like such a simple problem.

Is there any simple way to draw such figures, e.g. just click the anchor points that you want like in illustrator and then connect them?

Best Answer is a diagramming app, not drawing app so some things can't be done easily. You could try and add waypoints (right mouse click > Add waypoints)and experiment with that or check if shapes from library (there are many) can suit your needs.
